
What I do

Accounting Services

Outsourced Accounting for small business

Our small business team provides the accounting and advisory based on the experience they have working with small business owners, understanding what they need and what they focus on.

outsourced accounting for medium business

Our medium business experts provide additional technical accounting guidance depending on the needs of the business. We understand in this current environment globalization is part of the day-to-day of businesses, our experts have built relationship with partners in different disciplines in different countries in case you are in that process.

Tax Services

Individual, corporate & partnership Tax Services

Through our partners, we will ensure we prepare and analyze a full profit and losses financial statement to better understand assess your situation and provide the best tax strategy.

Financial Advisory

Financial analysis

Our advisory team of experts has experience on preparing and analyzing financial information that provides insights to the business to make informed decisions. Such analysis includes but it is not limited to 1. cash flow analysis 2. Budget preparation and comparison to actuals.

Internal control and technical accounting analysis

We have extensive experience on internal control review as well as implementation of accounting policies that allow entities to establish a more solid foundation to produce financial information.

Finally, our team of experts have great experience with technical accounting issues which allow our team to analyze and determine the best accounting treatment for your business which results in accurate financial information for your business.

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